Press Transfer Systems Transfer
Press Solutions
Compact Feeders Transfer Press
Blanking Lines Press Feeding
High Performance and
sensitive Cut to Length Lines
Cut to Length Lines MORE

Press Transfer Systems Transfer
Press Solutions
Compact Feeders MORE Transfer Press
Blanking Lines MORE Press Feeding
Cut to Length Lines High Performance and sensitive Cut to Length Lines MORE
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Press feeding systems designed for every production method; loop type feeders for solutions that requires fast and high straightening capability, compact feeders for narrow spaces and blanking lines.

Compact feeders are the systems developed to work at narrow spaces for progressive operations. Being used for operations with optimum straightening capability and feeding speed. Compact feeder is the most common press feeding system.

Loop type feeders equipped with precision straightener and high performance feeder group developed for being used at progressive tools and simple blanking operations. These are the product group with the highest production performance.

Blanking lines equipped with precision straightener and high performance feeder group for being used at blanking operations. Special stacking systems can be desing for press end.

Transfer Press Solutions

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Transfer Press Solutions

Destacker solutions designed suitably to layout, loading type and working speed for feeding blanks to transfer presses, press transfer systems solutions working between the press windows or at front and back for different type of transfer presses, press transfer robots specially designed for press to press transfer operations.

The positions and movement axis of destacker loading carts and cartesian robot structure being specially designed according to working speed of transfer press and blank dimensions.

Press transfer systems designed for working between press columns or at front and back side of press regarding the structure of press which transfer operation will be made. Transfer systems can work %100 compatible with every brand of hydraulic transfer press, eccentric transfer press and servo transfer press.

Press transfer robots are systems designed for press to press transfer lines. Different type of solutions can be applied as T-Robot, V-Robot and Monobar Robot according to press and tools structure and working speed. Press transfer robots are the most efficent systems for operations where low speeds are sufficent.

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Divided into two main groups as mechanical and hydraulic decoilers. Drum expansion is being made manually by rotating a lever on mechanical decoilers and this operations being made semi-automatically by a hydraulic system on hydraulic decoilers.  Both mechanical and hydraulic decoilers has double drum option. There are also pallet type decoilers for horizontally working coils.

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There are different servo roll feeder options according to sheet width, thickness and working speed. One of the alternatives being selected from servo roll feeder with belt, servo roll feeder with gearbox or straightener feeder according to the operation.

Cut to Length Lines

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There are standard cut to length lines for applications without high speed and precise straightening capability requirement, and high performance cut to length lines for applications with high speed and precise straightening capability requirement.

The most effective cut to length lines for companies working with low volume and applications without high straightening capability requirement.

Cut to length lines for compaines working with very high volume and for applications with very precise straightening capability and high surface quality requirements.

Special Projects

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The solutions specially designed according to completely the customer requests and needs. All the line being commissioned with Coiltech quality and assurance at key-turn project applications.